Brilliant Animation...
Why didn't you do your own movie? The animation was beautiful, but it was just a dumb movie. You should make your own shorts instead of copying the scene. Which wasn't a funny scene at all.
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Brilliant Animation...
Why didn't you do your own movie? The animation was beautiful, but it was just a dumb movie. You should make your own shorts instead of copying the scene. Which wasn't a funny scene at all.
I especially enjoyed the Blue Tobias Funke.
This game was way too long..
I spent like 3 hours playing it to get the first pic, andthe pic sucked. I loved the pics from your other games, but this one was just too much work for too little a reward.
This game rocks
st wanted to get the3 word "reckon" off of the front page of the game. I hat that word.
very cool style!!!
but, there was way too much dead time in between losing and playing again.
keep it real
Age 33, Male
Joined on 4/8/05